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Get Growing!

Have you heard? FED has launched their FED farm food security project for their third year!

The project is designed to increase food security for vulnerable populations in our community, including individuals living in low-income housing, senior centres, and immunocompromised households as well as laid off workers, frontline workers, individuals with disabilities, single parent households, and First Nations communities, by providing garden kits to individual households as well as values-aligned community organizations. The garden kits contain everything needed to grow your own food: SmartPot grow bags, edible plant starts, seeds, and educational resources.

Over the past two years, they have added almost 600 square feet of garden space and 17,000 pounds of potential food grown in our community, directly benefiting 2199 people and engaging 100 volunteers.

Applications for the program will be accepted from April 15 to May 15. They will also be seeking volunteers, garden mentors, financial partners, and donations of seeds, plant starts, or funds via their crowdfunding campaign.

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